
**Editado para cumplir con los mínimos de seguridad en el trabajo**

Esto si que es una xurri freack como debe ser. Y no las horteras esas de la banda de música. Visitad la web de Nerdcore para ver alguna más. La de la Game Boy amarilla se sale!

A day of slacking!


Destination unknown

Si el video de "Satisfaction" va crear tot un precedent en l'escena House, "The Creeps" va ser la seva continuació, ara arriva un altre video picant picant :P

Ale a disfrutar :D

Desperate Housewife (or husband) - Manual

Lección 1: Cómo doblar una camiseta

Próximamente mas!

LCV 3 - Badalona Let's go droping now...

LCV3 -- Badalona:

Sábado 21/04/07
Formato: Vintage
Horario: 9:00 a.m
1º Premio:Mox Pearl
2º Premio al 4º por confirmar
5º al 8º sobres dependiendo participación
1º premio sin pack
2º premio sin pack

14 Euros
Associacion de vecions Sant Mori
Carretera Antiga de Valencia nº 60

Report : Torneig d'Igualada de la Lliga Catalana de Vintage

Vinga, escriurem quatre paraules de com va anar el torneig. Cal dir per començar que les espectatives del team pataners (o sigui jo, pq el Guillem encara afectat per la triquinosis múltiple no va arrivar a temps per jugar) eren altes.

Coneixedors del "metagame" que ens trobariem, i despres d'hores i d'horas de testing contra baralles com la del Serpi o les de tipus 2 que et pots trobar un dia qualsevol en mans d'un random nen al Loto.... em vaig posar serio, preparat per la victòria.

Round 1 - VS Sergio Sanchez

Aquest home jugava combo... com jo. D'aquí lo d'home, per que com bé sabeu: Real men play combo. La primera partida jo tot seriós perdo el roll i surt ell. Em quedo una mà bastant de control i sense cap tutor a la mà. Total, que jo amb un hurkyl's a la mà (pero tapped) deixo que em combi amb un artefacte tan dolent que ni els nens del Loto en jugarien 1.
A la segona partida em poso serio, i sabent que jugava combo i que no duia FoWs, em quedo una mà boneta amb un FoW a la mà. Baixo terra, li passo el turn. M'intenta jugar un spell verd que no havia vist en ma vida, amb lo qual li faig FoW (la carta era foil, o sigui que FoW). Em passa el torn, robo loto i el mato del tiron.
Tercera partida, em fa bayou vas.... em dona el torn i jo amb 3 rituals, demonic, loto i vampiric a la mà. L2p combo!

3 punts (les aspiracions al top 8 seguien vives... només quedaven 6 rondes més).

Round 2 - Santiago Lucas

Aquest homes es un atracador... em jugava la tipica baralla amb 7868976987 counters, i mataba per aburriment amb el Psicatog. Total, a la primera partida el mato de turn 3 easy. Només tenia un FoW a la mà el tio...

A la segona partida... la que va durar com 45 minuts.......... zZzz .. . Zz...ZZzz .. Z.. li surto de fetchland ---> Tropical Island (que m'havia posat tirant de sideboard) i li baixo un Xantid Swarm... i penso GG. ROBO 4 TERRES SEGUIDES EN ELS PROXIMS 4 TURNS!!!!! nerf la meva mala sort... total que el tio es fot el festival de l'ancestral, intuitions, etc... tota la partida amb 7 cartes ell, i 7 cartes jo... jo tenia 4 rituals, 1 underground 1 fow i una carta blava... esperava algun tutor per poder matar-lo. Total, que el tio em roba un cunning wish... i es va a buscar un diabolic edict... i em mata el xantid... despres roba 1 crisol i em destruiex les 4 terres q tenia en taula... i res... no venia el tutor. Diuen TEMPS! i el tio roba el Psicatog... i em mata. Empatem.

4 Punts (mentres hi ha vida hi ha esperança, els liders només estaven a 2 punts)

Ronda 3 - Ricard Tudurí

Juas.... Cast Vesuban Doppleganger al triquinosic del Guillem i obtens un Tudurí amb la mateixa deck de tipus 3 amb moxes a.k.a. Fish. La primera partida em juga a plaer despres de que fes mulligan dos cops jo... :( i em surt d'erial ell. GG
La segona partida em quedo una mà per matar al segon torn... pero amb una underground nomes. i em surt d'erial >_<

Ronda 4 - Roger Riera

Vaya Freak! Aquest home jugava totes les cartes cares que hi ha al magic! 4 bazares, 4 mishra's workshops, tot el pack... etc... etc... Total que em comba les 2 partides amb Tanglewire i mascares a pirexian dreadnaught. GG

4 Punts (Empieza la declive...)

Ronda 5 - Marc Corbella

No m'enrecordo que jugava aquest home... però li vaig guanyar 1 partida i vaig perdre les altres 2 per intentar-me tirar de turn 1 i menjar-me un FoW sense tenir jo FoW. Cal recordar la frase... "Real men play combo" ---> Combo or die! Potser li hauria d'haver preguntat lo de "Tens el FoW?" xD

4 Punts (lluitant per poder-me assentar a la última taula ja)
Ronda 6 - Alex Novell

Aquest home jugava la típica baralla que em destruiex contra mi... gorillas, pirostatic pillars, anks of mishra's... etc.. etc...

Cal destacar en la 2a partida la jugada del Demonic Consultation en resposta a un Pirostatic Pillar (estant jo a 6, ell a 4) a un Tendril's (jo amb un Loto i un Sol Ring a la mà... o sigui que en el meu turn el matava).... Faig la Consulta... marco el 902 666 666 "Hola està el Sr. Tendrils" - la teleoperadora em respon: "Si, ahora se pone"... i el fill de puta va arrivar despres de 40 cartes.... estant l'última de la baralla, amb lo qual em dona el torn i em moro per no poder robar la del torn -_-¡

4 Punts (El gran moment del torneig està a punt d'arrivar)

Ronda 7 - Rows (el moderador de perracomics)

1a partida em baixa una cosa que està en japo de color verd... FoW! Foils, Japos o Foils Japos ----> FoW. Es la Lei de la Pija. Al 3er turn el mato.

2a partida.............. SUENAN REDOBLES EN LA SALA .........

El tio em surt de mountain, +mox +mox + ritual vermell + ritual vermell + emtpy de warrens de 10 o 12... OMG es un real man! em passa el torn.

Faig: Mana - Mox - Ritual -------> MASSACRE

El tio ja quasi plorant.... i decidit a deixar el Magic de manera professional... em dona el torn un altre cop.... Robo carta i ..... REDOBLES!!!!

Ell tenia en taula una matrona, un piledriver i vete tu a saber que otro goblin mas. xDDDDD GG!!!!!

Cal esmentar que a més de demostrar lo bó que soc dissenyant sideboards, em va tocar una sammarreta del pre-release de Planar Chaos. XD


Buenas, al final nem a veure 300 als Icària divendres o què?

No la he vist anunciada.

De totes formes, només puc a partir de les 22:00.

Qui s'apunta?


Que us sembla si demà dissabte nem a sopar alguna cosa i despres anem a jugar uns bolos al Parck Vayé?


Ron Spencer, Terese Nielsen and I

Despres d'entererar-me que alguns artistes de Magic: The Gathering alteren cartes, m'he informat una mica del mercat, preus i del procediment a seguir per obtenir en un futur proper alguna que altre pijada magiquera :)

Ron Spencer

  • Cartes interessants: Yawgmoth's Will, Mind's Desire, Terror, etc... etc...
  • Exemples gràfics d'algunes cartes alterades per ell: Click Aquí
Aquest matí li he enviat un mail al Ron amb un parell de preguntes, i aquesta ha sigut la seva resposta:

Greetings Jordi,
Thank you for your e-mail and comments!
I have alot of fun doing alter cards!
Sure I do commissioned altered cards.
I charge $300 per card(I charge this much because of the time it takes me to do them up and your getting original art on a card) plus shipping/insurance.
You supply the card you want altered as I don't have any playable cards with me. I can come up with an idea or you can tell me what you'd like done on the card.
If you have any other questions just let me know,
Thanks again for your interest,

Ron Spencer
Per que us feu una idea:

Terese Nielsen
  • Cartes interessants: Force of Will, Fact or Fiction, etc...
  • Exemples gràfics d'algunes cartes alterades per ella: Click Aquí!
També li he enviat un mail aquest matí, encara no m'ha respos. Però el preu per carta d'ella es de 90$ + gastos d'envio + seguro.

Per que us feu una idea:

(La foto es dolenteta, es de l'scan de les cartes del Chapuzas)


Havia pensat en una temàtica dels Samurai Pizza cats :P tot i que no descarto uns FoW's amb tematica del WoW (troll shaman + tuaren amb thunderfury + durid + water vendoring machine).

**** U P D A T E ****
Necessitaria que m'enviessiu screenshots dels vostres chars del wow quan encara ereu lvl 60 (pero amb el tier 2, etc...). Els screenshots han de ser significatius dels vostres personatges, i haurien de donar informació de:
  • El personatge de cos sencer, per davant i per darrera.
  • Armes que porta (si teniu algun screenshot amb l'arma de més aprop, millor que millor)
Procureu que els screenshots que envieu no siguin del pal el vostre char super allunyat y un paisatge del wow que ocupa el 95% de la pantalla. Si teniu screenshots dels altres pataners, no dubteu a enviar-los també :)

How to Date women (WoW-style)

In this vein I would like to thank my best friend Uum for providing the technical details on how to successfully approach the dating instance. Be forewarned, this guide is meant for a casual dating style prevalent in the collegiate environment, please refer to other guides for the more formal requirements found in the Heroic post-grad level.(btw, any and all sweeping generalizations we make concerning the female sex are made out of chauvinistic ignorance and latent misogynistic tendencies. We apologize in advance for any offense we give.)

Gearing up for the Instance

Before you start your attempt at this encounter, you need to be properly equipped so you don't wipe in the first five minutes. Here is a brief list of gear that you will need to collect before starting your run.

Chest - Simple Tee Shirt/Polo Shirt (depending upon the mob you are trying to solo)
obtainable from a specialty goods vendor

Legs - Jeans/Khakis (either can fit this slot well)
obtainable from a specialty goods vendor

Feet - Nice shoes (preferably Chucks!! Feel free to coordinate shirt with shoes)
obtainable from a specialty goods vendor

Trinket – Barman’s Trophy (or equivalent)
drops during the pick up instance

Clean Cut (received from a nice haircut/facial hair trim)

Just cleaned (is received after taking a shower)

Old Spice/Axe Effect (purchased at a general goods vendor)

Just Paid (This is probably the most important buff you will need, and is received after having the job instance on farm status)

How to Solo Dating (regular level)

The first dating instance we will describe is the first stage dating or "regular level." These are the early dates before the Heroic level "Steady" dating. This type of dating is very gear dependent, unlike the Heroic level which is based more upon the player's skill level. In the regular level dating, it is imperative that all your gear is repaired and at maximum durability, anything less than your best will result in a massive decrease in rep with the mob's faction. Furthermore, for this level of dating, a mount is a must, (preferably an epic) make sure it is fairly nice looking and clean. Additionally some players may feel the need to pimp out their epic mount; we feel that this is allowable, as long as the player shows some restraint in the pimping process.

The Pull

Once the player has the appropriate gear and buffs applied, he needs to mount up and head to the entrance of the instance. There he will experience one of two different scenarios once zoning in, either the primary target mob will be in aggro range immediately, or some trash mobs will be between her and the player. If there are trash mobs involved, the player needs to use his linguistic skills to dps them down quickly (at this point amateur rogues may have to resist the urge to blind/vanish). This is where the first three buffs start to come into play; they will help in gaining/holding the aggro without causing the mob(s) to try and crit you with dps. Once the trash mobs are out of the way, you can now focus your attacks on the primary target. This is accomplished via porting her to a pre-determined eating establishment. Note that this eating establishment must be at least dine-in quality to successfully keep aggro on the mob. (btw, McDonald's or a similar establishment will quickly cause your rep with her faction to drop quickly, sometimes to unfriendly if not hated.) Once in the restaurant, the player must continue to hold aggro via his linguistic capabilites, with the occasional aggro generation of alcohol thrown in. Of course this is the first stage where the Just Paid buff comes into play since the player should be paying for the consumables used throughout this instance.

Pulling Continued

After a certain amount of time the mob will lose the "interest" buff with the restaurant instance, and will build up a resistance to the player's linguistic capabilities. Around this time it is essential to pull the mob to the next area of instance, the park, the pool-hall, or in our case, the theater. For our strategy we chose the theater because it is a good place for players unfamiliar with the run to learn some other aggro generation techniques other than taunt. Techniques which include non-verbal methods such as direct-contact, facial expressions, and emotes. In the theater environment you will have about 1.5 to 2.5 hours where the mob's aggro is no longer entirely the player's responsibility. However this does no mean that the player should stop tanking, instead they should focus on other means of holding aggro, such as strategically placing consumables such as popcorn/soda in such a way that physical contact is made whenever she attempts to use the items.(her hand brushing yours, etc.) Depending upon the success of the run to that time, you may be able to initiate further physical contact such as putting your arm around her shoulder. Depending upon the class that is soloing this instance, this maneuver can either be very difficult or extremely easy. For a rogue/hunter/druid, this should be a simple matter. However for the rest of the classes, it will require a very good run up to this point to be able to pull this off. If this move can be pulled off, the player's rep will drastically increase. During this part of the run once again it is critical that the player still has the Just Paid buff on since he needs it to purchase not only the keys to this section of the instance, but the consumables used there as well.

As an aside, concerning the choice of movie, deciding what to see is a critical decision that must be made before pulling the mob into the theater part of the instance. Of course we are all aware that certain movies are definitely off limits for the dating encounter, (I.E. Casino Royale, 300, things of that nature.) however even limiting ourselves to movies that do not fall into this category leaves us with several options that could potentially wipe the attempt. The general attitude of the mob plays an important role in determining which movie is right for your run, but most women enjoy two types of movies, the emote (lots of emotion and dialogue, heavy on plot less so on action) and the funny animated movie (Shrek, Finding Nemo, etc.). Therefore before you attempt the theater part of the pull, plan which movie is appropriate, not only to decrease the amount of dps you need to put out to hold aggro, but also one that you can survive the "bored" debuff through. I have seen some men crit with this debuff, and never fully recover. Trust me when I say, it is not pretty!

Last 20%

The last 20% is a critical time in all our lives, it is the time that we feel we must throw in as much dps as possible to close the deal, yet at the same time, there is enough space for the run to wipe if handled improperly. This is the part of the run where the player needs to pull the mob back to the entrance of the instance. It is very critical that all the buffs are still up, (with the possible exception of Just Paid) in some runs this means dropping aggro long enough for a bio break to reapply the Old Spice/Axe Effect and the Clean Cut buff. Once you have positioned the mob just outside the entrance to the instance, she should be down to 5% at the maximum. At this time, you need to pop your trinket, “Barman’s Trophy”, and go in for the finishing kiss. If you have been successful during the run this will go off without a hitch and you will receive a massive rep bonus that will allow you to run the instance again. If you mess this part up however, you wipe and your rep drastically decreases. At this point you will need to run several rep grinds to bring your rep level up enough to run the instance again.


Thank you for taking the time to read what I know is an epic wall of text. We hope that you will be able to draw ideas from this strategy to successfully attempt the regular level dating instance. Thanks for all the previous posters who left such great input and prompted us to write additional strategies, and watch out for more strategies later. May your loots be phat both IG and IRL.

How to pick up women (WoW-style)

As many of us are starting to gear up for the new "end-game" encounters via heroic 5 mans and what not, I feel that it is time to share the strategies I have found most useful for attempting some of the hardest runs you may ever face, that of attempting to pick up chicks at a bar. These strategies however rely upon teamwork, you will find little if any advice on soloing this type of instance. In advance I feel the need to warn you that these tactics have only been tested at the epic collegic level, but not at the higher heroic post graduate level. I hope that these strategies will aid many of my fellow WOW players who decide to attempt these difficult instances in the hopes of the phatest of l00ts. (btw, any and all sweeping generalizations I make concerning the female sex are made out of chauvinistic ignorance and latent misogynistic tendincies. I apologize in advance for any offense I give.)

1.How to 5 man your local bar

The title of this section may be somewhat misleading since the majority of the tactics and strategies that will be described were built around a 3 man team. However all of these strategies can be scaled up to the 5 man level with little or no effort. Be warned though, in my experience trying to raid a bar will likely result in failure. A 5 man, possibly a 7 man on the outside is the maximum number of people you will want in your group. But you will definitely need at the least 2 members for your group, because after all a group of 1 is not a group.

The reason behind the need to approach an instance such as a bar with a group and not solo is simple, almost all women travel in packs, especially in an environment such as a bar. (of course there will be some women who go to bars by themselves, but these will be considered epic bosses due to the fact that they will most likely wtfown you if you make any mistake in pulling them. And its a sad thing to see a man out in the parking lot crying.) Therefore any man who attempts to solo a group of women will soon be either zoning out of the instance, or having to make a corpse run back to his dignity. Further, you can not PUG an instance such as a bar, you need a solid premade with members that you know well, know their roles, and are willing to fulfill these roles in order to make the run successful. The quick break down of successful groups looks something like

2-man leader
2.MT (DD)

3-man leader
2.MT (DD)
3.OT or rogue

4-man leader
3.OT (DD)
4.rogue (should bring a seperate car)

5-man leader
5.rogue (should bring a seperate car)

The party leader of course being the one who is guaranteed the loot if the run is successful, with the OT's and rogue with a better than fair chance of loot, and the MT probably with a long drive home, unless the run is uber successful.

Now then to focus primarily on the 3-man team with a MT and an OT (rogue tactics will be explained later). To start the encounter, you must first pick which group of women you will be attempting to pull. If this is your first run, try to take on groups of women with at least one member fewer than your group, after a while you can move up to groups of the same number, and eventually if your team is solid, you can attempt groups that outnumber your own, with a maximum of 2 members more than your own, past that number and the encounter becomes impossible imo. This scenario will focus on a small pull of women, namely 2.

Once your target is selected, you start the pull either by sending the MT or the PL in, depending on the situation (btw it is a good idea to do at least 5 minutes of recon before attempting the pull), you send the PL in first if the dominate personality in the pull is the primary target. However if the primary target seems to be one of the lesser members of the group, you send the MT in first. Either way, quickly after the pull, the trash mob will make her appearance, she is the one that is out to make sure the run will be difficult for you. ( you know, the one that constantly reminds her friends that they have a test coming up or not to drink so much, basically the blocker.) This is the raison d'etre for your MT, his role is to identify and nullify the trash mob by tanking her. This is to be accomplished by engaging her in conversation and buying her drinks. Once he has the aggro of the trash mob, he needs to try and turn her around so that the primary target is no longer in her LOS. Once this is accomplished the PL and OT move in, the PL engages the primary target with the usual methods of courtship, while the OT takes up position nearby and nurses a soft drink. His only task is to make sure that if the MT loses aggro, he can quickly step up and start tanking before the trash mob is able to do too much damage to the PL and throw down massive debuffs while buffing the primary targets ability to say no. If the MT does lose aggro and the OT is capable of picking it up, the MT and OT need to work together to draw the trash mob further away from the primary target until they are no longer in each others LOS. Continue this strategy until the PL takes down the primary target and then it is up to the MT and OT to decide if they wish to try looting the trash mob.

Pulling for larger groups
In encounters with larger groups on both sides, the tactics are basically the same, with the exception that the OT(s) will handle the mobs that are not the primary target nor the trash mob, with occasionally taking up aggro from the trash mob if the MT loses her. These other mobs usually are better in the quality of loot that they drop than the trash mob, so usually it is a good idea if the OT(s) go ahead and loot.

This strategy works
This strategy works based off of the many times I have employed it. However I have only tested it in college level bars, and also with my own skill set of picking up chicks. Not everyone has maxed out this valuable stat, however I would suggest that you do so by attempting this strategy, sure you may fail, but it is a good way to level your ability to pick up while minimizing the outside factors that effect being able to get the digits.

The role of Rogues

I decided to split this into a seperate section because the role of the rogue in a run such as this is unique. Depending on how you look at it, the role of the rogue is to either screw over his own party for personal gain, or to aid his party ... through personal gain. The way the rogue accomplishes this is through their ability to vanish. This is a very important skill that takes time to perfect and is one of the more usefull skills that a party utilizes when runing an instance such as this.

The ability to vanish is simply put, the ability to perform a type of kiting, really it is pulling aggro on a target (not the primary target nor the trash mob) and then vanishing from the encounter with the mob you pulled in tow. The way this helps a party is that it reduces the number of mobs they have to contend with, and the way it hurts is, if the encounter goes badly, the rogue may be the only one to get loot.

The way a rogue should operate sounds simple, but is at the same time quite difficult. Once the MT goes in and pulls the trash mob aggro, the rogue should go in and pull one of the other mobs through either his wit, appearance, or linguistic capabilities. Once aggro has been established, the rogue needs to find someway to seperate the selected mob from the rest of the group (invite to the dance floor, ask her to help carry an order of drinks, whatever). The key factor which makes this role difficult lies in the fact that once the mob is seperated, the rogue has to continue to come up with ways to hold aggro, primarily through use of his linguistic capabilities. Once the seperation occurs, it is vital for the vanish to go off without a hitch for the rogue kite the mob away from the rest of the party. I.E. make sure that once you aggro her, her friends never see her again for the rest of the evening. (Of course this also means that your party will not see you again for the rest of the evening either, thus you "vanish") From this point it is up to you and you alone to solo this mob in order to make sure that the loot drops.

If the Vanish works
If your plan succeeds, you should attempt to leave before the rest of the party is finished with the encounter. Thus it is recommended that you have access to a different vehicle than the rest of your party. Further it is necessary that you limit your intake of alcohol during the fight in order to be capable of driving (while making sure she ingests much more in order to increase your chances at soloing.) Once you get her to the car though, its all up to you.

I hope this strategy helps others in the WOW community refine their attempts on running the bar instances on those Friday and Saturday nights. May your phat loot be epic both IG and IRL.

Roc Rocks!

Han seleccionat aquesta feina del Roc per al concurs PhotoEspaña. La veritat és que està molt currat, tots estarem d'acord en que és rollo Roc.

Li desitgem molta sort perquè va sobrat de talent :D

Massa Messi

Primer de tot, unes partidilles de Magic por començar la tarda.

Sum up:

First Turn kills: 0 (això és bo)
Total Tolarians played: 0 (strange)
Total Savanna Lions played: 0 (ahir no portava la versió de mixetes)

Null Rod is IMBA!
Pol, cuidado amb la PiZZ Long que et faràs mal ;P

Juguem al "juego de las sillas" un rato i obviously Skelet fa el leecher. Finalment, això li acaba passant factura :D

El partit xulo, U-u-Oleguer! El Sergio Ramos és un puto llenyataire, Ronaldinho rollo intermitente i pudent, però té que estar. Messi és massa! Jk! Lol!

Menys mal que al final el partit va acabar com es mereixia. L'opinió dels mitjans de comunicació:


Mundo deportivo



Etooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (se m'ha colat el kotorrí)

Com fer servir el Google Calendar del Blog.

Bé, si us heu mirat el vostre correu de gmail, us vaig convidar a tots al Google Calendar dels Pataners.

El primer pas que teniu que fer es acceptar l'invitació. (si no podeu completar amb èxit el 1er pas, millor demanar els serveis d'algun informatic a.k.a Christian Celades xD)

Un cop completat el pas #1, el que teniu que fer es tornar al blog, i buscar el botó Emplear. Potser a simple vista no el trobareu:

*Feu scroll down a la barra lateral i llestos*

Si us heu donat d'alta al Google Calendar seguint les indicacions del punt #1, llavors al clickar sobre Emplear us hauria d'enviar al vostre calendari personal, on a més a més hi trobareu el calendari compartit (on tots hi teniu dret a afegir-hi events) dels pataners.

Un cop allà ja podeu pujar les vostres coses referents a instances/raids/quedades per veure el futbol/tangerine/etc... etc...

Apa slackers! a veure que trigueu a fer-ho...

Barça - Madrid

On anirem a veure el Barça - Madrid? Algú té pensat algun pla? Bizarre? Okupació a cal Celades?

Per cert, que ningú em robi el 4-0 per la porra! Leechers!

Paul Robertson

Us deixo amb els gifs d'aquest il·lustrador australià. Tot un crack!

Tens el FOW?

Va quedar segona a l'últim perramox.

2- Underground Sea
1- Badland
1- Island
1- Swamp
1- Bloodstained Mire
4- Polluted Delta
1- Tolarian Academy

1- Mox Jet
1- Mox Ruby
1- Mox Emerald
1- Mox Pearl
1- Mox Sapphire
1- Sol Ring
1- Black Lotus
1- Lotus Petal
1- Mana Crypt
1- Mana Vault

1- Vampirirc Tutor
1- Mystical Tutor
1- Imperial Seal
1- Demonic Tutor
2- Grim Tutor

4- Brainstorm
1- Ancestral Recall
1- Necropotence
1- Wheel of Fortune
1- Timetwister
1- Memory Jar
1- Yawgmoth's Bargain

1- Time Walk
1- Tinker
1- Yawgmoth's Will
1- Mind's Desire

1- Chain of Vapor
1- Hurkyl's Recall

1- Empty the Warrens
2- Tendril's of Agony

4- Dark Ritual
4- Cabal Ritual

3- Duress
4- Force of Will


1- Tropical Island
2- Tormod's Crypt
1- Duress
3- Xantid Swarm
1- Hurkyl's Recall
1- Defense Grid
1- Wipe Away
1- Massacre
3- Cranial Extraction
1- Darksteel Colossus

I know you will love it :D

Alamo teechs u 2 play DURID!

Es increible

Follow the link OMG !

A part akesta es una molt bona web sobre druides us la recomano !!!go for it

Long life Alamo !

**Edited by piZZero**

LFG | Parties | Raids | Quedades | Etc.

Entrada d'ús exclusiu pel WoW.

Casuals Leechers & Slackers Horde Guild

El Carlos sa currat un foro molt imba .

Alla podrem programar les instances ke farem durant la semana, aixi ke registreuvos al foro tots els ke volgueu participar ens les instances ke farem .

Ja que nomes tenim 3 dies , un dia fariem Tempest keep l'altre dia Auchindoum i l'altre Coilfang Reservoir

Renaissance - Trailer

Us deixo amb el trailer d'una peli d'animació brutal. Crec que aquí no la van arribar a passar mai, una llàstima.

Akasvayu wins!

Avui l'Akasvayu ha guanyat al Vive Menorca a la lliga ACB a Maó per 56-71. L'equip es manté 3er a la lliga per darrera del Madrid i el Tau i seguit pel Barça i la Penya. Amunt Akasvayu!

Links relacionats:

PD: Publicitat FTW!!!1111onenene

Dia de mercat!

Sol, calor, suor, gentada... semblava plè mes de Juliol al Mercat de St. Antoni. El pataner del Guillem intentant tangar als nens per completar la seva baralla de Tipo 3 amb moxes. (pwned!)

-Guillem (to random kid): Hey! Canvies?
-Random Kid: Si.
-Guillem: Per quant em vens aquest bicho blanc foil (1 W - 2/1...)?
-Random Kid: Espera que miro la revista... 1 euro!
(Guillem que per no pagar 1 euro li ensenya el seu album plè de comuns)
-Guillem: Mira si t'interessa alguna cosa.
Random kid va i tria una basura de carta en borde blanc xD

Ets un atracador!

També t'has firat amb el tormod's foil per 12€ :P

Per lo demes, el resum de la jornada per part meva:

Per cert, bon negoci amb lo dels 4 Hurkyl's! Tinc 4€ al pool!

The Armory

Blizzard ha tret una nova pàgina web anomenada The Armory
Aquestes son les principals característiques:
  • Perfiles de personajes: observa el equipo, estadísticas, habilidades, reputación y talentos de cada personaje de más de nivel 10 en nuestros detallados perfiles de personaje. Puedes comprobar tus propios personajes, o bien ver los de tus amigos y compañeros de hermandad. En la Armería se muestran todos los personajes de todos los reinos
  • Perfiles de hermandades: accede a la información de cualquier hermandad, incluyendo la lista de sus miembros, y un desglose de las estadísticas sobre la raza, clase, género y nivel de cada uno de ellos.
  • Perfiles de equipos de Arena: mira que tal lo está haciendo tu equipo o echa un vistazo a la competición en los perfiles de los equipos. Estos perfiles te ofrecen una valiosa información sobre tu equipo, su clasificación, el historial de victorias y derrotas y los miembros del equipo.
  • Torneos en la Arena: ten siempre la información más actual sobre los equipos que están en los primeros puestos, cuales están subiendo más rápido, y sobre lo jugadores que debes vigilar en nuestra “ladder” de Arena JcJ.