

- Aquí us deixo el trailer del film:

- Destacar el Blog of Baron Soosdon i la seva série: Unlimited Escapism. Mooolt currada en serio, val la pena veure-la.

Jack is back...

More Bauer, More 24...

7th season!

Hong Man Choi


- Us deixo per aquí un recull dels millors moments de Hong-Man Choi, un gegant koreà de les K-1 fights que compta els seus combats per victòries. Tants sols ha perdut un combat per KO i un altre per punts.

- Aquí teniu l'angelet de 1.18m i 160Kg rapejant una mica:

Hong-Man Choi 1st Korean single - Beauty and the Beast

- Fent spots de TV:

Hong-Man Choi - Chewlette Commercial

- Fent amics amb Mike Tyson:

Hong-Man Choi meets Mike Tyson

- Fent el que millor sap fer, K-1 fights:

Random Sparring Vs Hong-Man Choi
Bobby Ologun Vs Hong-Man Choi
Tom Howard Vs Hong-Man Choi

- Hong-Man knocked down!

Hong-Man Choi (South-Korea) Vs. "Mighty" Mo Siligia (USA)

Enjoy! ;)

Google Map del World of Warcraft


- Ara ja tant sols falta poder-lo descarregar als GPS de les nostres montures :D

World of Warcraft Map powered by Google Maps.


More US WoW players than farmers


" Next time President Bush tells you he's going to Crawford to be with "real Americans," remind him that there are more World of Warcraft players in the USA than there are farmers (though of course the two aren't mutually exclusive).

There are four times as many Americans living in urban than rural areas. There are four times as many people sucking back coffee in New York city alone than make a living farming. According to the Bureau of Labor, there are just as many people employed in Architecture and Engineering as farming, hell, 3 million people working in Computer and Mathematical jobs. But when one of these "What does America think about culture" pieces comes on, do I ever see a mid-30's software engineer onscreen bitching about having to download BitTorrents of "The IT Crowd"? Fuck and no.

Four million people in the US play World of Warcraft. And yet, do I ever hear:

ANDERSON: We stopped by the gates of Ogrimmar in Durotar, on the east coast of Kalimdor, where one local told us Hollywood just can't relate to the level-grinding life.

UNIDENTIFIED ORC: They've never been back here, questing Razormane or Drygulch Ravine, y'know ... or farming for Peacebloom and Silverleaf. They're out of touch.

No. No I do not."


Full article
See also

Halloween update


- Ara que ja comença a fer fresca updatejo una mica la meva secció per animar una mica els ànims ;)

Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler New!

Rihanna - Umbrella New!

Sabrina - Hot Girl (Remix) Oldie!

Marta Sánchez feat. Alaska & Norma Duval - "Les Golafrilles" FFS!

enjoy! :D

Lego + arquitectura

M'he quedat O_O veient el video. Impressionant!

Teclado práctico

Os dejo aquí una fotillo del ordenador del Pol


Brutal! Hi ha ja un sinfin de versions del video d'aquest home.

The beast is unleashed!

The entire fight from EVO 2004 between Justin (chun-li) and Daigo (ken)
